The Ultimate Comparison of Typescript and Javascript - What You Need to Know


By : Biztech

The Ultimate Comparison of Typescript and Javascript – What You Need to Know1


Javascript or JS is a core web technology, a programming language that helps about 99% of websites with its client-side development. Typescript also is an open-source high-level programming language developed and introduced by Microsoft. It helps write codes for large-scale applications that are compiled into Javascript before being executed by browsers. 

While both programming languages are popular with developers and are used widely for developing web applications, there are quite a few differences between the two that can make a difference in your website. 

So, let’s compare the two languages before you hire Javascript developers for your web-based project!

What is Javascript?

Javascript or JS is a cross-platform programming language for the development of front-end and back-end web applications. It is primarily used for developing intuitive frontend features like interactive maps, search boxes, etc. 

However, with the introduction of virtual engines like Node.js and Google V8, Javascript development can also be used to work seamlessly for server-side development. 

Features & Advantages of Javascript 


  • User Input Validation: With the user input validation feature of Javascript for web development, you can save time and code flexibly. Thus, the user-made errors are taken into account by Javascript when sending data to the server. 
  • Client-Side Calculations: The front-end JS language can boost efficiency as it takes care of simple front-end calculations without having to connect with the server every time. 
  • Dynamic Typing: The dynamic-typing nature of Javascript helps you write codes faster as you don’t need to declare variable type ahead of time and declare it when you use the variable. 
  • Prototype-Based Inheritance: Javascript uses prototype-based inheritance and not classical inheritance which means objects can inherit from other objects directly and can be extended dynamically at execution time. 
  • Asynchronous & Event-Driven Programming: With callbacks, promises, and async/await, JavaScript handles asynchronous operations effectively. This is particularly useful for tasks that involve fetching data from the web, accessing files, or carrying out any time-consuming operations. Its built-in event-driven programming capability helps you create highly interactive web applications with features that are designed to respond to user interactions like clicks, form submissions, and other browser events. 


  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: The frontend Javascript language runs on browsers and thus is platform-independent. It helps JS code to run on multiple operating systems right from Windows and Mac to Netscape and more such platforms.
  • Versatility: With the presence of Javascript frameworks like Node.js, it is possible to build full-scale web applications using JS.
  • Rich Interfaces: Developing feature-rich and interactive interfaces such as drag-and-drop and components like sliders to improve the interface of web applications.
  • Easy Learning Curve: JavaScript has a relatively gentle learning curve compared to more complex languages like C++ or Java, making it accessible to new developers.

What is Typescript?

Typescript is a high-level programming language that includes all the functionalities of Javascript in addition to features like interfaces, static typing, classes, and more. With Typescript, you get access to more advanced programming techniques and tools and create codes that run everywhere where JS is supported. 

It is a statically typed language that is completely compatible with old to new Javascript versions. Typescript supports the concepts of OOP (object-oriented programming) such as class, objects, interfaces, inheritance, etc. 

Features & Advantages of Typescript 


  • Static Typing: In the TS script, static typing is supported for writing codes. Thus, the variables and data types or function return types are specified early in the programming. It helps catch errors in code during the compilation time itself. 
  • OOP-Based Programming: Typescript programming language is object-oriented and supports various concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, classes, interfaces, public/private modifiers, etc. It helps with the development and organization of codes, leading to faster and more efficient coding. It also makes Typescript a familiar language because of the popularity of other OOP-based languages like Java and C++. 
  • Advanced Type System: The type system in Typescript goes beyond the basic type system with functionalities like enums, tuples, hybrid types, generics, and union/intersection types. It provides enhanced flexibility to perform type operations. 
  • Modules: By supporting modules, Typescript helps you with the organization of the codebase and helps with the scalability and maintenance of large applications. 
  • JS Integration: The high compatibility with Javascript enables you to work with existing JS code and gradually convert it to Typescript. You can also use any of the Javascript libraries with Typescript. 


  • Code Quality & Maintenance: The static typing of Typescript applications helps maintain a sustainable and cleaner codebase. It is especially useful when you are developing large-scale applications. 
  • Rich Configuration: TypeScript allows you to configure the strictness of the type-checking to suit your project’s needs, which can help in adopting TypeScript in a gradual and controlled manner.
  • Easy to Scale: Developing large-scale applications is easier with Typescript as compared to Javascript. 
  • Improved Editor Support: Typescript’s code editors can help you write code faster and more efficiently, thereby improving your productivity. 
  • Interoperability: TypeScript works well with existing JavaScript frameworks and libraries, and it can compile down to JavaScript to run on any browser or JavaScript engine.
  • Community & Development Support: Typescript has a strong and active community of developers with a wealth of resources that can help developers build highly resilient web applications.

Javascript Vs Typescript: What Are the Key Differences?

Now that you have a basic understanding of the two programming languages, let’s compare Typescript vs Javascript and learn the key differences. 

Javascript  Typescript 
Development Paradigm  It is used for developing web pages without strict type systems.  Typescript supports modern development paradigms such as object-oriented programming and strong typing for building Enterprise apps. 
Learning Curve  The syntax is less strict and there are no mandatory type declarations, making the learning curve easy.  Even though it is JS-based, you still have to be familiar with the OOP concepts and types to work with Typescript. Thus, it has a steep learning curve. 
Performance  The code is executed by the JS engine or on the server via frameworks like Node.js. In Typescript also, the code is compiled into Javascript that is executed by the JS engine. So, there isn’t much of a difference in terms of performance. 
Popularity  Javascript is undeniably one of the most used programming languages of today.  Typescript has gained immense popularity for enterprise app development and has even surpassed Javascript to be on rank #2, as per a Libhunt report. 
Compatibility  It runs in the browser natively and on Node js servers.  Typescript applications can run anywhere Javascript is supported. 
Error Checking  Here, the errors are detected during execution time  In case of Typescript, several potential errors can be found at the time of development and compilation. It reduces chances of errors at run time. 
Tools  Good tool support with various IDEs and tools. Superior tool support with advanced autocompletion, refactoring, and navigation features due to static typing.
Community  Extremely popular with a huge community.  Increasingly becoming popular but comparatively a smaller community. 

When to Use What - TypeScript vs JavaScript

By now, you have checked the difference between Typescript and Javascript as a programming language. Let’s now learn the ideal places where you can use these two languages. 

When to use Javascript? 

  • Rapid Prototyping: If speed and flexibility are pivotal to you, Javascript is an ideal choice. It helps with the development of prototypes for business applications. 
  • Small to Medium Projects: Javascript is suitable for small to medium-sized projects where you don’t have to code long or need seamless code maintenance and organization. 
  • Dynamic Scripting: Projects with dynamic content generation needs can leverage the dynamic typing ability of Javascript. 
  • Web Development training: Javascript is one of the core web development technologies and can be helpful for training and educational purposes as well. 

When to use Typescript? 

  • Large-Scale Projects:  Typescript’s strong static typing and advanced object-oriented programming make it apt for the development of large-scale web applications. 
  • Full-Stack Development: If using Node.js for backend development, TypeScript provides a consistent development experience across both the front and backend, simplifying context switching for developers.
  • Integration with Modern Frameworks: Typescript integrates seamlessly with frameworks such as Angular, React, Vue, etc.


When comparing JS vs TS, you have to consider your project requirements and choose the technology accordingly. If you want to build a large-scale or complex application, Typescript helps with code maintenance and organization. Whereas, Javascript is a rather simpler yet efficient alternative that is widely chosen by businesses all over the world. 

With this guide, you should be able to compare the two programming languages head-on and decide the suitable one for your project. Whether you are puzzled about choosing the right technology for your project and need consultation or want our Javascript developers to help with your project, we can assist in both. 

Connect with our seasoned developers and seek help for your project immediately!


Which companies are using Javascript?

Netflix, Groupon, Microsoft, Paypal, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Trello are amongst other popular brands that use Javascript. 

Is TypeScript frontend or backend?

Typescript is commonly used for frontend development. However, it can be run on a Javascript runtime environment Node.js for backend development. Thus, it can be used for projects with full-stack development needs. 

Which is better: TypeScript or JavaScript?

It completely depends on your specific project needs. If you are developing a rather complex and large-scale application, using a more organized language like Typescript can benefit you. Its advanced OOP concepts can help you develop efficiently in less time. 

Why should we not use TypeScript?

While there are multiple benefits of Typescript, its steep learning curve, complexity and overhead, runtime performance, and lack of compatibility with legacy systems could be dealbreakers. 

What to avoid in Typescript?

There are certain things that you have to consider while working with Typescript. For instance, using the ‘any’ type for declaring variables as it defeats the purpose of strongly typed Typescript. Over complicating the types, not using latest features, poor use of union and intersection types are some of the other things to avoid in Typescript. 

Why are people leaving Typescript and migrating to Javascript?

For some teams, especially in smaller projects or startups with rapid development cycles, the additional complexity and overhead of setting up and maintaining TypeScript can be seen as a burden. TypeScript requires type definitions, interface declarations, and sometimes more verbose coding patterns, which might slow down development in these fast-paced environments. 

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