Vue vs Angular: Choose the Best Framework in 2023


By : Biztech

Vue vs Angular: Choose the Best Framework in 20231


Choosing the right technology has always been a matter of concern for people. If you are one of them, you may have thought things like:

“Which one will be a better platform to develop my web app?”

“Which technologies will result in a cost-effective yet smooth development?”

Today, I will help you narrow this list down with the comparison of “Vue vs Angular”, which are two renowned frameworks among developers. By the end of this blog post, you should be able to get a better understanding of the two technologies.

Brief Overview of Vue

Vue is an open-source progressive frontend framework that came into wide popularity for creating Single Page Applications (SPAs). SPAs are web applications that have only one HTML file rendering the entire code. It was released in 2014 and caught developers’ attention due to its straightforward interface and easy learning curve.

VueJs was created by Evan You. He worked at Google with AngularJS projects. He extracts the part that we really liked in AngularJs and builds something really lightweight. The first source code was released in July 2013 and VueJs was released in February 2014.

Key features of Vue

  • Solid Tooling System: Vue.js supports lots of frontend development tools right out of the box with little to no configuration from you.
  • Data binding: This feature facilitates the manipulation of the HTML interface. With the help of the v-bind directive, changing the style is possible.
  • Transitions: Vue.js provides various methods to have transitions applied when a UI element is inserted or removed from the DOM.
  • Computed properties: In this feature, no added code is needed. It responds to the changes made to the user interface and then works out the calculations. A computed property is used for any logic that requires multiple expressions.
  • Components: Components are very important features of Vue.js. They facilitate the extension of HTML elements to provide reusable widgets.
  • Custom directives: These features provide a structure for surveying data changes for unpredictable DOM behavior.

Companies That Use Vue

In 2022, you will find that several of the globally recognized websites are using Vue. js.

  • Facebook
  • Netflix
  • Xiaomi
  • Adobe
  • Trivago
  • Gitlab

Even Google built its Careers platform based on VueJS and not its native Angular framework and Apple built its tutorial website with VueJS.

Use Cases of Vue

  • Learning Curve: Vue is simpler to use than Angular since it has built-in app templates and allows for more flexibility. Furthermore, it is easy to integrate Angular or React-based mobility solutions into the Vue platform as Vue.js was created by combining Angular and React.
  • Performance (Speed): Vue.js employs Virtual DOM, which only renders the real DOM upon the components that have been changed. This approach improves application performance.
  • Components and Extensibility: Vue isn’t overly structured, which offers developers a lot of flexibility. It offers official support for a wide number of build methods, allowing you to customize your application as you wish. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to app design. You can use an HTML or JavaScript file to create your templates.
  • State Management: Vuex, a state management library by Vue, aids in developing and managing complicated apps, unlike other frameworks. This library aids in the storage and sharing of reactive data throughout the application without performance degradation. It is the most important factor to consider when choosing a JavaScript framework.

Brief Overview of Angular

Angular is a framework for developing scalable web applications. It is a platform built on Typescript and a collection of integrated libraries that includes components, forms management, client-server communication, routing and more.

History and origin

The first version of Angular was known as AngularJS when Google first launched it in 2010. Miko Hevery, a senior Google developer, started it as a side project. Angular is a complete rewrite from the same team that built AngularJS. The initial objective of the project was to make web application development easier by implementing a few small changes.

Angular is an open-source project, like other Google projects. As the usage of Angular increases over a period, many developers who used it kept making it better and more helpful for a variety of web applications.

Key features of Angular

  • Automatic sync with two-way data binding: Model and View sections are automatically updated in case of any change in data.
  • Elimination of external dependencies with the POJO model: Need for third-party apps and plugins are reduced with Plain Old Javascript Objects (POJO) model.
  • Seamless testing: The presence of dependency injection in Angular ensures testing all components simultaneously isn’t a hassle.
  • MVC Architecture: Data can be shown rapidly as there’s quick communication between model and view components.
  • Productive development: With the help of a powerful command-line interface, development tools, forms and routing, developers can build smooth user interfaces more productively.

Companies That Use Angular

  • Gmail
  • Youtube
  • Forbes
  • Upwork
  • Paypal

Use Cases of Angular

Based on our experience of developing Angular websites, we can identify several features of projects that can be significantly helped by using this framework. Indeed, many websites made with Angular have the following characteristics:

  • Cross-platform compatibility and universal accessibility: If you want to create a product that is user-friendly on any device, you should consider Angular. Websites built with Angular are equally easily and seamlessly accessible on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones with all common operating systems. The developers of this framework always pay attention to usability for those who are used to visiting their favorite websites through a smartphone. Therefore, the specifics of small screens and touch controls are definitely taken into account.
  • Scalability: Large-scale projects with complex architecture are easier, not only to develop but also to maintain and update. Being able to split code into manageable, reusable components helps a lot.
  • Integration with other software: We already highlighted these features when we considered the best Angular websites above, so here we are talking about developed solutions for interaction with external systems, such as payment systems. A strong feature is the availability of ready-made modules for connecting websites that use Angular with each other.
  • A large project team: Firstly, the development process is more unified and manageable thanks to access to libraries that contain many ready-made code fragments and other solutions that facilitate programming. Secondly, it’s easier to maintain productivity and pace because you can catch and fix most errors just as you’re typing code.

So, we have looked at the features of this popular framework and illustrated them with examples of Angular websites. In our opinion, Angular is an appropriate technological basis for the front-end development of web products of any level of complexity, but the progressiveness and maturity of this framework make it particularly suitable for long-term, large-scale projects.

Comparison of Vue vs Angular

Parameters Angular Vue
Performance Fast and decent pace for front-end development Faster and lighter than Angular
Ease of Use Not that easy to start working with other existing projects It can be easily merged with other projects without any issues
Community Support Watchers 3.1k 6k
Stars 86.6k 202k
Forks 23k 33.4k
Contributors 1600+ 350+
Scalability Angular provides scalability in terms of design with its modular or component-based development structure. Vue, on the other side, is a lightweight framework. Despite that, it still can provide scalability within an already-built application.

Read Also: What is new in Angular 17 update?

Pros and Cons of Vue

Advantages of Vue

  • Lightweight
  • Integrates with other frameworks
  • Virtual DOM modeling and rendering
  • Incrementally adoptable
  • Speed and performance
  • A useful range of tools

Disadvantages of Vue

  • Language barrier
  • Lack of support for large-scale projects
  • Risk of over flexibility
  • Limited resources
  • Lack of experienced developers

Read more: How to Hire Vue.JS Developers for Your Projects?

Pros and Cons of Angular

Advantages of Angular

  • MVC Architecture implementation
  • Enhanced Design Architecture
  • Modules (Modularisation, Lazy loading of modules)
  • Services and Dependency Injection
  • TypeScript: better tooling, cleaner code, and higher scalability
  • Custom directives

Disadvantages of Angular

  • Angular is verbose and complex
  • CLI documentation is lacking details
  • Steep learning curve
  • Limited SEO options

Read more: How to Hire AngularJS Developers for Your Projects?

Future Outlook for Vue and Angular

Looking at Vue vs Angular, it is hard to discard any of the two frameworks saying it is not good. The fact is both Angular and Vue are excellent frontend development frameworks. It is more about finding the right fit for your web development project.

Each framework has its benefits. Vue is simple and quick, whereas Angular is reliable and time-tested. However, the framework or library your company needs is entirely dependent upon your needs and the objective of your application.

But if you choose Vue for large applications that work across many platforms, you will end up doing redundant work. Both frameworks have their own sets of pros and cons.

Although you are fully aware that both of these frameworks are capable, choosing Vue will not cause you any problems if you only have a small team and little time. Choose Angular if you don’t have a pressing deadline and want to create a scalable product.

Read More: How to Improve AngularJs Performance?

Developer’s Recommendation

An angular framework is a little old compared to newly developed frameworks like Vue, Angular is doing its best not to leave any stone unturned in keeping up with the recent advancements in user experience and development needs. Angular is an obvious choice for building enterprise-based applications because of its extensive built-in functionalities and community support.

Vue is a technically sound framework when it comes to building user interfaces and solving complex problems. Though Vue has an excellent backbone, it is not as popular as Angular.

Final thoughts

As we have seen in the above points about Angular and Vue, the current users of developers use Angular more than Vue. But, this does not define Vue’s future because the framework has a robust ecosystem with pretty good syntax. Developers who have used Vue have shown interest in adopting it even when they have options like Angular.

The Vue community is planning to bring features or updates like Angular in its upcoming versions. As per the state of Javascript survey, developers who used Vue would like to use it again and the usage has increased from year to year.

Already decided on Vue vs Angular, which one to go with? Then, our developers can help you with the development part. Not decided yet? No worries! Connect with our team to get exclusive insights on the two technologies and decide the best one to start working with.

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