- Integration of Customized Designer Theme
- Customized Module Development and Integration
- Integration of Brand Search Shopping Extension
- Speed Optimization using MYSQL, CSS and Javascript
- CDN and Advanced Caching Methods Implementation
Words that make an impact

The Challenges
Theme Integration
It was required to create a storefront theme for the website by using Magento with different layouts designs.
Customized Search
The search option to find a different appliance parts was supposed to be provided according to brands.
Shop by Brand
A brand listing page along with the display of featured brands slider and a search box to suggest the brands had to be created using Magento.
Speed Optimization
It had to be ensured whether the Magento based eCommerce store is working at an optimum speed to boost SEO ranking and sales.
The Solutions
Integrating the Right Theme
In order to customize the design of Genuine Parts’ store, we integrated a new theme for better compatibility, responsiveness, and maintenance.
Part Finder Module
There were categories and subcategories for each model and their parts available on the store. The Part Finder module was custom developed to make it easy for the customers to find specific parts and components.
Brand Shopping
To provide customers a facility of sorting and shopping products by brand, we integrated one of our extensions from our extension store and customized it as per the requirements of the client. SEO friendly URL was added to make brand search easy.
Speed Optimization
We improved website speed using MYSQL query Optimization, design & image optimization, minifying CSS and Javascript. We also used CDN and advanced caching methods to optimize the store for speed and performance.
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