- Feature-rich CMS Integration to WordPress
- Customized Feature-Packed CMS Solutions
- Contact and Inquiry Section Resetting Facility
Words that make an impact

The Challenges
WordPress Integration
To fulfill the business requirements in the modern era, Numentica required a powerful CMS. Integrating WP was bit challenging as the crucial business data needed seamless access in the new system.
User-Friendly CMS Integration
It was a challenge to integrate a user-friendly CMS solution for their customers to have better idea about the services they offer.
The Solutions
Attractive WordPress Website Design
Streamlining the company requirements with the growing market trends, we integrated the WordPress CMS with great features and extensive functionalities. As it was required for them to keep a track of the pages and posts and other content of the website.
Customized WordPress
We built customized and feature-packed CMS solution that performs seamlessly with the ever changing business needs. We offered some resetting of contact us and inquiry sections as per the business needs of the company that can help them get better output from their target customers.
Your Growth Transformation Partner
We help businesses like you expand their growth with the power of technology. Our world-class team of agile enabled innovators help you extend your tech capacity with advanced technologies and processes. To see it in action, let’s connect today and initiate the discussion.