Python: The Game-Changer in Mobile App Development

Priyanka Ghosh

By : Priyanka Ghosh

Python: The Game-Changer in Mobile App Development1


Released in the early 1990s, Python is an object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. Its intuitive and easy-to-learn syntax makes it a popular choice among developers. Furthermore, its efficiency, reliability, and extensive set of libraries and frameworks make it apt for web and software development. 

However, when we are talking about mobile app development, Python might not be the first language that comes to mind. More so because it doesn’t natively support mobile app development. It lets you use external frameworks or tools like Django, Kivy, Plyer, etc. for Python app development. 

With popular app development technologies such as Swift, Javascript, and Kotlin in existence, how does Python shine in this regard? That’s what this blog is all about! 

Did you know Python surpassed Java and C to become the most popular programming language in 2022, up from its 4th position in 2021? 

What Type of Apps Can You Develop in Python?

The versatile nature of Python alongside its rich library facilitates in seamless development of mobile applications. You can develop a myriad of applications with Python. Here are some types for your reference! 

  • Gaming App Development 

From simple puzzle games to complex interactive gaming apps, Python can be used for developing both. The Pygame library can be used for developing such gaming applications and the straightforward syntax helps with game logic development. 

  • Audio Video Apps 

Develop apps that process audio and video content without a hassle! Leverage libraries such as PyDub and OpenCV to build video editing applications, multimedia content management tools, audio processing tools, video streaming apps, and so on. Shopify and Netflix are some of the top apps built using Python. 

  • Social Networking Apps

We don’t have to explain for you to understand what social networking apps are! We spend at least an hour or two every day on social media apps like Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and Pinterest. 

Such applications are content-driven and facilitate network communication, user interactions, content sharing, and messaging. Popular social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest also use Python alongside other programming languages for their functioning. 

  • Machine Learning Apps 

Build AI-powered applications with features like natural language processing, image recognition, and predictive analysis with Python. Use Python’s extensive libraries to develop intuitive mobile apps with AI capabilities. 

  • Blockchain Applications 

Python is a popular choice for blockchain development due to its simplicity and security. Libraries like allow developers to create decentralized applications (dApps), smart contracts, and cryptocurrencies, contributing to the growing ecosystem of blockchain technology. 

Besides these, Python mobile app development can help build several other kinds of apps. From IoT applications and finance applications to business and computational apps, you can develop a range of apps in Python.  

When you consult and hire Python developers, you can get your idea across and get a unique app developed for your specific needs. 

Popular Python Frameworks for Mobile App Development

Since mobile app development in Python doesn’t come natively, you have to use various tools and frameworks for it. Let’s look at some of the most promising Python frameworks of 2024! 

1. Django 

Django is an open-source app development Python framework. It follows MVT (Model, View, Template) architecture for development. The framework’s clean and pragmatic design helps with the rapid development of complex, database-driven applications. It eases development with its rich set of tools and features. 

Benefits of Django: 

  • Django facilitates the rapid development of applications, helping you build apps in a short amount of time. 
  • The DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) principle helps reduce code duplication. 
  • It is highly scalable, helping you meet high-traffic demands. 
  • Django’s comprehensive and well-structured documentation helps with development. 
  • The large community of Django supports developers significantly. 

Limitations of Django: 

  • Its monolithic nature can make the application bulky, even for small projects. 
  • It could take time to get acquainted with Django if you are not familiar with Python. 
  • Django has limited support for asynchronous programming. 

Types of Mobile Apps You Can Build With Django: Social networking apps, eCommerce applications, utility apps, educational apps 


The open-source Kivy framework is good for developing multitouch applications. It supports both mobile and desktop platforms and is highly interactive. Like Beehive, you can also participate in Python iOS app development, and Android development with Kivy. 

It is built on top of the OpenGL graphics engine for GPU acceleration and fast rendering. You can also customize the application with a wide selection of widgets. 

Benefits of Kivy: 

  • It is highly customizable for developing unique user interfaces. 
  • Kivy has an active community of developers, with a wealth of tutorials and resources. 
  • It allows for rapid development and quick turnaround time. 

Limitations of Kivy: 

  • It has a steep learning curve, especially for new developers. 
  • It can be more demanding on system resources compared to some native app frameworks, particularly for complex animations or graphics.
  • You may have to work extra hard to learn platform-specific guidelines to achieve a native look and feel for your mobile application. 

Types of Mobile Apps You Can Build With Kivy: Gaming applications, Educational apps, Utility apps, Productivity apps 


Beeware’s open-source suite of libraries helps use Python for app development. With Beeware, you can write code once and deploy it everywhere (Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux), facilitating cross-platform app development. You can develop native user interfaces that match the developed platform’s look and feel. 

Benefits of BeeWare: 

  • Cross-platform development helps develop applications for multiple platforms. You may compare Android vs iOS and decide the best for your mobile app
  • You can leverage Python’s straightforward syntax and libraries for app development. 
  • Since BeeWare is open-source, you can get support for resolving any errors and issues. 

Limitations of BeeWare: 

  • Since Beeware is still evolving, some features might be in the development stage and not available for use. 
  • While BeeWare may offer native-like features and experiences, it can’t be compared with native technologies like Kotlin for Android development and Swift for iOS development. 
  • As it’s a relatively new framework, some features may not be well documented. 

Types of Mobile Apps You Can Build With BeeWare: Utility apps, educational apps, business apps, data analysis apps 


The open-source, full-stack framework follows the MVC architecture. It promotes code reusability and simplifies the management of app components. It facilitates the rapid development and deployment of secure and scalable web applications. 

Benefits of Web2py: 

  • You don’t need configuration to get started with Python Android app development as it comes with an in-built IDE, web server, and database. Hire Android application developer to further build Python apps seamlessly. 
  • It includes mechanisms to protect against common vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).
  • Supports multilingual applications out of the box. 
  • web2py applications can run on any platform that supports Python, without modification.

Limitations of Web2py: 

  • It could be difficult to learn to work with Web2py for developers who are not familiar with the MVC architecture. 
  • If you are building complex applications, the abstraction layer can introduce performance overhead. 
  • As web development practices evolve, some may find web2py’s approach and built-in components less aligned with the latest trends compared to newer frameworks.

Types of Mobile Apps You Can Build With Web2py: Social networking apps, utility and productivity apps, eCommerce apps, data-driven apps


The open-source Python library Pygame is designed for making video games. From basic to complex gaming applications, you can use the Pygame modules like sound, input handling, and graphics for successful development. It is built on top of a cross-platform SDL library. 

Benefits of Pygame: 

  • It is beginner-friendly. 
  • With huge and active community, you get access to extesive resources and tutorials. 
  • Even though it is designed for game development, you can use the Python app development framework for developing other multimedia applications as well. 

Limitations of Pygame: 

  • Pygame may not be suitable for graphics-intensive games due to its reliance on SDL, which is not as performant as other modern graphics engines.
  • Developing gaming applications for mobile may not be straightforward and will require support. It is not easy to get support for mobile app development. 

Types of Mobile Apps You Can Build With Pygame: Utility apps, educational apps, 2D Arcade games 

How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Python Mobile App?

As evident, Python for mobile app development presents a plethora of suitable options with the help of frameworks and tools. While Python is becoming more and more sophisticated for the development of mobile apps, how does it compare to other technologies in terms of cost? 

Let’s begin with the various factors that influence the cost of Python app development! 

  • Features and Functionality: It is obvious that the more features you add and the more complex your app is, the more it will cost you. So, if you are concerned about the costs, try to keep it simple, look for cost reduction ways, and plan ahead for future expansion. 
  • Development Team: Have you considered hiring professionals for your Python application? The cost can vary drastically depending on the team you hire. While hiring freelancers may cost you less, it can compromise reliability. You can consider outsourcing a skilled team of Python professionals for the job. 
  • Development Time: More time equals to more money. It is also to note that development time is impacted by app’s complexity. 

Take a look into this table to get a brief idea about Python developer rates! 

Location  Developer Rates 
India  $20-$30 /hour 
UK  $50-$100 /hour 
USA  $100-$150 /hour 
Canada  $100-$150 /hour 
UAE  $30-$60 /hour 

Final Verdict: Is Python Suitable for App Development?

Python has proven itself to be a highly suitable and versatile language for app development across a wide range of applications. Its readability, simplicity, and extensive libraries and frameworks, such as Django, Flask, and Kivy, facilitate rapid development and encourage best practices in coding and design. 

While Python might face challenges in areas requiring high performance or where native app development is preferred, solutions like PyPy for performance optimization and frameworks like BeeWare and Kivy for creating mobile applications demonstrate Python’s adaptability.

Considering its strengths and the evolving landscape of technology, Python remains not only suitable but also a compelling choice for app development. 

If you are considering Python for app development, why not connect with skilled developers and seek consultation regarding the same. Connect with a leading Python app development company like BiztechCS and get expert help with the same. 

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