
What is Odoo POS? Features, Benefits, and Everything Else You Have to Know


By : Biztech

What is Odoo POS? Features, Benefits, and Everything Else You Have to Know1


If you thought a suite of business apps or ERPs like Odoo can only help with your online store, you might be in the wrong. With modules like Odoo POS, you can elevate your retail store’s shopping experience in leaps and bounds.

It isn’t platform-dependent as you can choose any hardware (desktop, tablets, laptops, and industrial machines) to set up Odoo POS. In this blog post, you will learn in-depth about Odoo POS, its features, benefits, and how to get started with it!

Let’s dive deeper to explore Odoo POS!

Introduction to Odoo POS

Odoo POS (Point Of Sale) provides solutions when it comes to handling payment counters in retail stores where customers pay for their purchased goods. It helps to manage your Restaurants, shops. It has a comprehensible, user-friendly interface & is used in iPods, tablets, or laptops.

Let’s find out how to use the Odoo Point of Sale (POS) system payment counter in a retail store where customers pay for their purchased goods.

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Noteworthy Benefits of Odoo 16 POS

  • Odoo POS works offline as well as online and functions seamlessly even if the connection is down. It is much easier to set up offline stores with the help of Odoo 16 POS.
  • You can get assured support for all your integrations as Odoo POS works seamlessly with other modules such as the Sales module, eCommerce, inventory, and marketing.
  • There are provisions to create and manage loyalty programs for your customers so they can purchase more from your store.
  • Stock management and smart management of inventory is extremely important so you can fulfil orders and ensure customers receive goods in time. Odoo POS can help you manage inventory and stocks most effectively.

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Getting Started with Odoo POS

  • Activate the Point of sale and Inventory In Your odoo instance.
    Getting Started with Odoo POS-1
  • To Configure a product, drill up to the top menu items in Inventory, and go to Master Data > Products which will redirect you to the products page where you can create your own product by triggering the Create button on the top.
    Getting Started with Odoo POS-2
  • Now, you can fill in the details of the product as per your preferences and under the General Information tab you can fill in the basic details such as the sales price of the product, its making cost and much more.
    Getting Started with Odoo POS-3
  • Then, if you switch to the Sales tab you have various options under the Point Of Sale section which is explained below.

Available in POS: You have to enable it for your product to appear in Point Of Sale.

Category: It is used in Point Of Sale to categorize your product.

To Weigh With Scale: Here you can integrate your POS with the scale it comes in handy if you are pricing your product with a unit of measure such as gram, kilogram, etc.

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  • To Use POS, Trigger the Point of Sale menu, It will redirect you to POS Dashboard. There, you can manage POS sessions.
    POS Dashbord
  • You have the Orders menu under which you have Orders, Sessions and Customers. Under Orders, you can access all the POS orders which were placed.
    Sessions and Customers
  • You have the Product menu under which you have Products, Product Variants, Pricelists, Discount & Loyalty and Gift cards & eWallet. Under Products, you can access all the products which you have configured.
  • Each POS session in the dashboard has its own configured settings. Just click on the icon in the corner and trigger the Edit option which will redirect you to the settings page.
    dashboard configured settings
  • In the IoT Box section, you can enable IoT box if you have hardware devices to connect such as Printer, Scanner and others. By enabling Barcode Scanner, you can set barcodes to scan products.
    IoT Box section
  • In the Pricing section, you can enable Pricelist and set a shop or product-specific Pricelist. By enabling the Loyalty Program, you can set the loyalty program which you have configured for your shop.
    Loyalty Program
  • Configure your payment method in the Payments section.
    Configure payment method
  • Inside the Bills & Receipts section, you enable Header & Footer and customize your bill by adding custom messages. With Invoicing you can print an invoice for your customer.
    print an invoice
  • In the Inventory section, you have Stock Location where you can specify the location of stock used for the inventory.

Advanced Features of Odoo POS

Email facility to send Receipt

Odoo introduced a receipt-by-email facility. It can support a user to send receipts to a customer with the help of an email. A user can easily manage the transfer of bills in a digital format with this feature.

Email facility to send Receipt-1
Email facility to send Receipt-2

Custom Display Screen

Customers can view or check orders that they are buying.

Custom Display Screen

Add Customer Notes

As per the customer’s suggestion, we can also add notes for retail businesses.

Add Customer Notes

Gift Card

  • POS Users can now use gift cards to apply different kinds of discounts.
  • They can also create gift card product-related records dynamically at the run time.
  • They can create barcodes for gift card
  • They can also generate a printout for gift card products.

Gift Card

Limited product load

Load the most common product when POS starts. It will speed up the POS session.

Limited product load

Limited partner load

Load only limited partners at the opening of POS to increase speed.

Limited partner load

Product info display

Users are able to see all necessary product information by clicking on the little icons from products.

Product info display

Ship Later

Users can generate POS orders and can ship those products later from their inventory location.

Ship Later-1
Ship Later-2

Product Configurator

By selecting products that have available variants then directly from a product configurator, POS users will be able to select variants directly.

Product Configurator

Coupons and Promotions

Users will be able to apply for different coupons and promotion programs on different orders.

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If you want people to come by your store time and again, then upgrading your POS for quality service, invoice correctness, and better management is essential. With Odoo POS, you can achieve all that because it is designed and developed to meet all the modern-day needs of retail shopping.

Utilize the very benefits of Odoo POS as you manage your offline retail store’s eCommerce, sales, and promotion strategies with seamless integration. Want to know further how integration can work seamlessly with your Odoo POS? Then, connect with our team and get a consultation.

We are an Odoo Ready partner and can help you with any queries and concerns you may have about Odoo POS. Reach out to us!

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