
List of New Odoo 16 Features: When is the Right Time to Upgrade?


By : Biztech

List of New Odoo 16 Features: When is the Right Time to Upgrade?1


Hey! Have you implemented the Odoo 16 already?

This new version is ready for use since October 12, 2022. After 15 successful version releases of Odoo and its journey from a tiny ERP to a full-fledged open-source ERP software, it has now become a leading ERP software.

Now that the 16th version is here, we will walk you through the new features and how businesses can benefit from it.

From observing the previous version releases, it is evident that Odoo is steadily evolving and adding numerous new features to its different modules. Not only this, but it also includes code cleanup and performance optimization for an efficient customer experience.

Additionally, several distinct features are added in the Odoo 16 version. So, which exclusive features will matter the most for your business when you upgrade to Odoo 16?

Let’s check!

Read also: What is Odoo POS?

What is Odoo? Which Industries Can Benefit from Odoo 16?

What started as a TinyERP in 2005 has now become a full-fledged suite of business management software products. While the core Odoo software is open source and is available for use by anyone and everyone, businesses are in for a subscription-based model to use more of its advanced ERP and CRM features.

To give you a brief idea of how Odoo 16 (or any of its previous versions) can help businesses and what kind of industries can leverage these benefits, I have created a few sections mentioned below.

Which industries can use Odoo 16?

While Odoo 16 might not still be in the leagues of high-end CRM and ERP software vendors like Oracle and SAP, it is quite suitable for managing small-scale, mid-scale, and even large-scale business operations.

The various reasons suggesting Odoo (with Odoo 16 version release) as a renowned and fastest-growing ERP and CRM tool are – its simplified business management processes, modern approach, out-of-the-box solutions, reduced costs, availability of free or community versions, and many more.

So, coming to the question ‘which industries will benefit more from using Odoo 16?’, I have curated this list for you. Give it a read!

  • Retailers (Irrespective of the fact whether you operate online or offline).
  • Distribution agencies.
  • Manufacturers (Tracking whether or not you have sufficient raw materials is always a hassle!).
  • R&D enterprises.
  • Accounting firms.
  • IT consultant companies.
  • Marketing firms.
  • Healthcare and hospitality industry.
  • Odoo partners and consultancies.

While these are some of the best and most popularly used industries witnessed for Odoo 16 software applications (based on past performances and trends), these aren’t the only ones where Odoo ERP can have its best implementations.

Wondering why your industry didn’t make it to the list? Or, should you begin your journey with Odoo 16 going forward? We have the right answer for the same! All you need to do is connect with our team and our technical professionals will consult you regarding this matter.

For further assistance, you can also choose to hire Odoo 16 developers and get started!


What can businesses do with Odoo CRM/ ERP software (in general)?

If you recollect your biology lessons from school, you would know how the health of any human being relies on the functionality of the entire organ system. The Odoo software has similar stakes when it comes to managing various business operations.

Here, let’s look at the various areas of operation this Odoo software can cover!

  • CRM (customer relationship management).
  • Inventory and warehouse management.
  • Project management.
  • Project lifecycle management.
  • eCommerce.
  • POS (point of sale).
  • Invoicing.
  • Timesheets.
  • Accounting.
  • Planning.
  • Subscriptions.
  • Human resources, employee recruitment, and training.
  • Customer support.

Now, the Odoo community version extends its support for desktop CRM and ERP solutions. Whereas, the enterprise edition supports both cloud-hosted and desktop Odoo solutions. Thus, making the ERP platform completely accessible from any device and any place.

Learn more about Odoo community vs Odoo enterprise.

Furthermore, let’s explore the numerous features that have been introduced in Odoo v16. Note that the next version of Odoo 17 is expected to release in November 2023 during the Odoo Experience event between the 8th and 10th of November.

Odoo 16 Version Release: New Features

From being a Tiny ERP software solution to an open-source suite of business management software for small to large-scale enterprises, Odoo creators have always offered its users promising solutions.

And with the release of Odoo 16, it is clear that the focus of the upgrade is

  • performance boost,
  • more effortless communication,
  • seamless user experience, and
  • exclusive features in modules.

So, let’s look at the new features added in various key modules of Odoo 16 and their business benefits in detail.

1. Elevated User Experience

Like every major update of Odoo, the Odoo release notes of version 16 did hint at elevated user experience for all major modules. As per the update, many user-friendly features have been incorporated to help operations like product management of the sales team or employee management of the HR team. The sign and marketing modules have also been redesigned for a seamless user experience.

  • Command bar section is modified.
  • The user interface of the command bar is enhanced.
  • Numerous dashboard views are replaced with dashboard actions and views.
  • Each backend page loads at least 3.7 times faster.
  • E-commerce and website modules load controller 2.7 times faster in Odoo 16.

Elevated user experience

Business benefits – Simplified user interface, ease of work or management from the employee’s perspective, seamless communication, improved productivity, and elevated customer experience.

2. Accounting Module

    • It is possible to generate Intrastat reports for speeding up the validation process.
    • With enhanced readability and information on VAT (value-added tax), journal audit reports will improve.
    • New bank reconciliation – accounting imports and multi-currency matching are some of the exclusive features that you get with the version 16 Odoo release.
    • Credit limit alert for sales and invoices.
    • The asset enhancement module will see improved UX, easy cancellation, and accurate calculations.
    • An OCR-separate setting to create invoices for clients/customers.
    • The new auto-complete feature can help fill in details faster by using old bills.

Auto complete accounting module in odoo 16

    • The accounting import section is added in Odoo 16 to import data or review manually.

Import section in odoo 16 accounting module

    • You can check the account details of the person you have transferred money to from the ‘sent money’ section.

Bank account details section in odoo 16

  • Odoo 16 enables users to localize based on their system and law. You can check in detail about Odoo accounting localization from here.

Business benefits – Speed and accuracy in accounting-related operations, effective management, reduced operational headaches in accounting, quick invoice generation, and accurate audit reports.

3. Marketing Module

Email marketing

    • In the Odoo 16 version, you can now change the global attributes for your mailing list at a time without having to go through the hassles of integrations.
    • The new upgrade will also allow users to create new and unique email templates from the templates designed in the past for smooth email marketing.
    • Improvise your mailing images with shapes.
    • Odoo 16 makes it possible to save marketing filters for segmenting audiences and use them in future campaigns.

Save marketing filters section in odoo 16 - View 1
Save marketing filters section in odoo 16 - View 2

    • Scheduled and sent emails can be sorted in chronological order in the list view.

Email Marketing Module in Odoo 16

    • 24 hour stat mailing reporting.

Odoo V16 email marketing report 24 hours reporting

  • It will also be easier to import data and access email addresses and contact information.

Social marketing

  • One can also retweet to build their online presence on social media.
  • Creating leads from any social media content is easier in Odoo 16.
  • Account owners can see who created streams and linked accounts.

Business benefits – Time-saving, improved productivity, lower operational costs, and improved social media engagement.

4. HR and Sign Module

Multiple Odoo 16 features update is expected for the HR and sign module, as mentioned below

    • A refuse to sign feature has been added.
    • Easy to assess employee skills and performance in a month with the help of reports and statistics.
    • Change or modify the role assigned to an employee as per request.
    • A ‘Stress day’ feature has been added which defines the priority tasks on any given day.

HR And Sign Module 1
HR And Sign Module 2

    • Easy access to check allocations, leave days, time offs, etc.
    • You can manage approval requests more seamlessly by prioritizing the sequence of approvals.

HR And Sign Module 3

    • A default auto signature option is included.

HR And Sign Module 4

  • The mobile layout is improved so that you have a better signing experience using the mobile device.

Business benefits – Excellent resource planning, improved leave planning, employee performance tracking, efficient project planning, and minimize loopholes in resource allocation.

5. MRP

The manufacturing module has many useful features with the version 16 Odoo update. For instance, we have

    • Users are capable of dividing and merging all manufacturing orders for a more streamlined and sought-after process.
    • For any sales order, your customers now can track the status of the manufacturing order via the generated link.
    • With the introduction of a subcontracting portal, it is now possible to outsource the production registration to the subcontractors.
    • With the list view default filter, you can identify an unmanufactured order.

MRP module Filter in odoo

  • It is easier to import/export forecasts and products.

Business benefit – Streamlined manufacturing process, time-saving approach, improved transparency for customers.

6. Inventory Module

From improvements to the incorporation of new features, the inventory module have had several changes in Odoo 16. So, what to expect? Here’s what!

  • Businesses will have the option to force a backorder and get the item from the primary supplier instead of canceling the order each time their inventory shows an item ‘out of stock’. The new Odoo upgrade will automatically manage such orders and create less confusion.
  • Improves shipping methods and automated batches.
  • Updated tools that compute and estimate the visibility days left to restock inventory for replenishment orders or goods.
  • Force scan feature.
  • Pick and count.
  • Improved postcode filter.
  • Menu and reports are revamped for more seamless performance.

Menue and reports revamped in inventory module - odoo 16 latest updates

Business benefits – Smooth business operations, hassle-free manufacturing or delivery of goods, easy scan operations, improved inventory management, transparent system, and better productivity.

7. Purchase Module

The Odoo upgrade to version 16 has included some useful changes to the purchase module as well.

  • A redesigned ‘call for tender’ option for enhanced performance.
  • Commercial invoices as per business standards.
  • Shipping insurance meeting business standards.
  • Real-time sales and purchase order tracking for receipt or delivery.
  • Configuring and managing promotional offers, coupons, and discounts will be possible with Odoo 16.
  • Set expected date of arrival and alternative options when creating RFQ.

expected date and arrival date in odoo 16 purchase module

Business benefits – More transparent system, improved performance, secured process, elevated user experience.

8. Website Module

When opting to upgrade Odoo 15 to 16, these are some of the features you can enjoy in the website module

    • It is now possible to manage the website front end as well as the backend from a single view.
    • A plethora of tools will be at your disposal for customizing the website as desired.
    • You don’t need to refresh each time you configure a website page.
    • SaaS users can access the new analytics tool.
    • You can see a floating icon now in place of live chat.

Live chat icon in website module - odoo 16

    • More filtering and grouping features are to be implemented on the web pages.

Filtering and grouping in odoo 16 website module

  • It is possible to use a transparent background for the Mega menu.
  • Scroll animations are added.
  • You can check all your website pages at a glance using the site menu option in Odoo.
  • Manage your social network links seamlessly with a separate building block.

Business benefits – engaging and interactive designs, time-saving, exclusive features, and many customization options.

While these are some of the expected Odoo 16 features, only time will tell what more users are in for. Stay updated to learn more about the Odoo 16 features, benefits, demand, and business use once the update hits the market.

Why Upgrade to the Latest Odoo 16 Version?

Today, more than 40% of business units implement ERP software to improve their process functionality.

It is clear what they want from the implementation – to improve their existing business processes, generate greater returns, and gain more loyal customers.

Migrating to Odoo 16 can help with all of that!

Let’s look at some of the noticeable benefits of upgrading to Odoo 16.

  • Error fixesUpgrading to the new Odoo 16 version will help you get rid of existing errors of Odoo 15. You can simply plan for the upgrade and make sure they are gone. The latest Odoo version has fixed many such minor errors that were present in the previous version. For instance, bug correction, security fixes, patch updates, etc.
  • New featuresThe new bank reconciliation in the Accounting module, designing new email templates from the old ones in the marketing module, and refusing to sign features in the HR module are some of the new features added with Odoo 16 version.You may already have seen other new features mentioned earlier for each module. Leveraging these distinct features, business units can enhance their processes effortlessly.
  • Performance boostWhether it is marketing, accounting, purchase, or inventory module, there have been some improvements in this new Odoo version. Business units upgrading to the latest version will also be able to expand their existing Odoo module’s capabilities greatly.

For detailed knowledge of what improvements have been made in the Odoo 16, check out the new features section.

Besides these reasons, better integration capabilities, improved productivity, and enhanced functional support are some other benefits you can leverage from this update.

You have more than one reason to migrate to Odoo 16. But, should you really consider it?

Let’s find out if the update is really necessary for your business unit!

Who Should Consider the Odoo 16 Version Update?

Now that you are aware of the various features of Odoo v16, deciding whether or not this is the best option for you will be easier. However, a few things are to consider before you make the final decision.

  • Are you already an Odoo user? It is to note that tahe Odoo community supports only the three latest version releases. Thus, if you are using Odoo v13 or any earlier updates, it is about time for you to perform an Odoo upgrade.
  • Small-scale, mid-scale, and large enterprises that need modern, flexible, and up-to-date CRM and ERP solutions.
  • Businesses that require to automate various manual processes and simplify their business operations.
  • Those who are facing issues with their existing CRM and ERP software.

Furthermore, one should go through the features mentioned above and make an informed decision about whether or not to migrate to Odoo 16 update. And in case you need any technical assistance for migrating to the Odoo 16 version upgrade, you can hire an Odoo developer who is reliable, proficient, and experienced. Biztech – a 16+ years experienced company in Odoo Development with right team and tools can be your development partner.

Connect with the team, drop your proposal, and get a query!


The regular updates of Odoo help the software become more flexible, feature-rich, and user-friendly and the same is true with Odoo version 16. With the introduction of many new features to various improvements in modules, businesses are in for a streamlined, improved, and user-friendly experience.

So, update your ERP software and enjoy a centralized view to detect your organization’s health and improve it.

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